Bohnenbaum Family: Art Garden
The question of what is more beautiful, a museum or a garden, has been occupying experts from all over the world for centuries.
Both, say the Bohnenbaums, despising the comparison.
Whoever tries to explain to them what is good, what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, inevitably harvests a collective yawn.

Art and nature seldom come together, but the Bean Trees manage it. Two very young ladies, as you can see, self-designated as A&O, lovers of art and gardening, have asked the Bean Trees for a visit, their opinion is sought. They first met in that peculiar clinic (see Kramer and Kramer Magazine 2024). Back then, the ladies were a bit older, the treatment had made a difference. Their expressions were more lively back then, their faces less rigid, but what can you do, those who want to stay young must make sacrifices, there's no way around it. It is quite certain that the ladies are (still) not androids, even if it sometimes seems so, their intellect is not AI. You can't "train" spirit and wit, not even the day after tomorrow. The ladies had both in plenty, the garden (designed by Kramer and Kramer, of course) as well.
Laid out on different levels in front of, next to, behind and on the house, plants and formal language make it a great whole. Almost as if it had always been this beautiful here. In between, A&O present art that they have bought, auctioned, made or received as gifts for their estate.
In the long pool, the work by Gert Resinger with the hopeful title "Sunny Side Up" is displayed, which may disturb swimmers, but does not disturb the viewers while viewing. And smiling is allowed, even in the face of such charming art. A&O have a few explanations at hand, which are very smart, as are the Bohnenbaums, smart enough for their own. "Matsch to Matsch Orange", a sculpture that is likely not to reach the fame of that banana glued to the wall, which was recently purchased for 5.9 million Euros by a globally oblivious crypto-entrepreneur (!?), but will certainly begin to rot later than this.
Rosa and Wolf-Walter were most puzzled by the vase work "Cauliflower is a Rose is a Cauliflower". Rosa because of her deep aversion to flowering vegetables of all kinds, he out of respect for the achievements of classical modernism. Sophie had an interpretation ready, which, however, has no place here due to its length and intellectual honesty. Hans was only thinking about cooking.
That's the thing with art, it's damn hard and has nothing to do with taste. That would then be food. And probably also a garden. At Kramer and Kramer, thank God, you are on the safe side here.

Garden area: 2,000 m²
Planting: Fountain grass, Lavender, Blue spirea, Gaura, Verbena variety Lollipop, Osmanthus, Rosemary willow, Blue fescue, Ginkgo biloba, Yucca, Feather grass, Riding grass variety Karl Förster, Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, uniqueTrees®-Solitary shrubs (Lodgepole pine, Oak, Pine, Serviceberry), Sedum and Sedum sprouts
Furniture: Paola Lenti, Roda
Planters: Domani
Lighting: Davide Groppi