Museumsquartier, 1070 Vienna

Simply breaking open (sealed soil) is not always possible, especially in busy urban areas. Yet, solutions must be found in order to maintain vibrant meeting places during the increasingly hot summer days. The MuseumsQuartier, as one of the world's largest art and cultural areas, aims to address the challenges and goals connected to climate-friendly development by 2030 with the “MQ goes Green” initiative. The design “MQ in morphosis” by Anna Detzlhofer (D/D landscape planning) envisages various temporary greening concepts for the inner courtyards. Albizias, zelkovas and other carefully selected heat-resistant trees contribute to increasing the quality of the environment as valuable shade providers, air conditioners, oxygen suppliers, silencers, and air purifiers. Because where there are trees, the air is simply fresher, and that is good for our quality of life and health.

A plead for new beginnings.

Planting: Silberlinde, Zürgel- und Geweihbäume, Platanen, Ulmen, Zelkoven, Albizien, Fackellilie, Weidenblättrige Sonnenblumen, Tautropfengras, Montbretie, Großblatt-Funkien, Sonnenhut, Prachtkerzen, Ziergräser