Residential House Ri Weidling

On the steep slope of the property a 65 m2 natural pool and a 40 m2 ornamental pond were created. The pool extends from the upper part of the hillside down to the lower area, so the terrain was intercepted by a retaining wall. The natural pool is enveloped in "Rainforest" natural stone slabs by Breitwieser-Stoneworld.

Mountain and Water.

Garden Area: 1.700 m²
Furniture: Extremis , Paola Lenti, Viteo
Features: Pool enclosure Breitwieser-Stoneworld
Lighting: -
Cultivation: Red fan maple 'Atropurpureum'
Small plants: D aylilies, lavender, coneflowers, Lindheimer's beeblossom, hydrangea, fountain grasses
Flower pots: -