Residential House Sa, Gumpersberg

You can experience half the world in this extraordinary place - the better half. The entire area covers around 40 hectares, so calling the garden spacious does not do it justice. Here there is space for a large pond, unique mature trees, including pines and olive trees, just like in the Mediterranean. Paths and terraces are lined with colorful shrubs. The house itself has at least two faces: a construction made of glass and steel on the top floor and traditional masonry with deep windows on the ground floor.

A ranch on a mountain.

Architecture: DieBauKooperative
Garden area: 40 ha
Furniture: Paola Lenti, Stefan Knopp, Steininger Designers, Mood
Features: natural pool, wooden decking, stepping stones, split boarders, lawns, topiary, outdoor kitchen, bbq area, stage, soccer cord
Lighting: Paola Lenti, Davide Groppi
Planting: Rhododendrons, uniqueTrees®, service pear trees, magnolias, winter blossoms, holm oaks, olive trees, pines, fruit trees, hydrangea groves, wild meadows, vines
Plant pots: Domani, Atelier Vierkant