Residential House Va, Hinterbrühl

Attendance to perfection.
Welcome to the future of yesteryear. Between wild, enchanted vegetation and precisely masoned stone walls, this amazing place creates more than enough space for nostalgic fantasies. It displays an impressive interplay of historical charm and modern flair. The ideal projection surface to let dreams of the sunny Hollywood Hills in California run wild. The 1950s/1970s house was completely renovated and embedded in the surroundings in a remarkable way. When selecting furniture, a harmonious overall appearance was the creative focus. The planting resembles an alpine garden, a type of rock garden, and here natural stone steps wind up the steep embankment. A garage with greenery is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and ecologically valuable.

Garden Area: 3.000 m²
Furnishings: “Family Chairs” and “Rabbit & the Tortoise Collection” tables by Living Divani, “Mini Tomolo” armchairs by Living Divani, “Bistro” parasol by Paola Lenti, “Rea” armchairs & “Everyday Life” sofa by Paul Smith/De Padova, “T.54” armchair by De Padova, natural stone steps, polygonal natural stone slabs
Planting: Woodruff underplanting, lavender, verbena, hyssop, dwarf pines, soapwort, juniper, hydrangeas, coneflowers, Japanese sickle firs, uniqueTrees® solitary trees - white pines, silk trees, birches
Planters: “Bilbao” & “Atlantis Natural” from Domani