Roof Terrace La, 1190 Vienna

I will be up there then! Because there is (almost) nothing on this roof that you cannot find in a classic garden. Above the sea of houses in Vienna, this (roof) garden combines a bit of city with a lot of nature, all at a dizzying height. From the wooden deck you can reach the lawn area, which is framed on both sides by lush flowering plants via the sloping steps. Everything is designed in such a way that the magnificent view is no way concealed.

Terrace area: 150 m2
Furniture: Roda
Features: Wooden decking, lawns, steppingstones, planted areas
Lighting: Davide Groppi, Paola Lenti
Planting: Japanese maple, hydrangeas, photinia, verbena, Lindheimer's beeblossom
Plant pots: Atelier Vierkant

Everything on one roof.