Hero Layout: v2



No tree like another.

59 Pinussylvestris Watereri

Under the name uniqueTrees®, Kramer und Kramer offers a large assortment of characterful specimens from our own nursery, complemented by carefully selected trees from the most renowned companies in Europe.

Bruns 05 15 020 3824
95 Acer palmatum Atropurpureum
T1 A0685 kramer und kramer gartenkatsey
Malus schirmfoermig gezogen
File 103
Ellen rombouts 23
Bruns 10 18 231 4498
Bruns 06 15 020 4376

Our curiosity means that we are always on the lookout for new woody rarities and unique trees with personality. Individually tailored to the specifics of the place to be planted, every single tree should suit you and your garden.

Bruns 06 15 020 4336
Bruns 04 15 006 1089
Quercus pubescens
Bruns 04 15 006 0738
Bruns 04 15 006 0489
Bruns 05 15 020 3675
Bruns 04 15 006 0730
Bruns 03 15 005 8844
Bonsai Kiefern 2
Bonsai Kiefern 1
Acer palmatum Dissectum

Plant a work of art.

DSC2765 kramer und kramer gartenkatsey
T1 A0111
106 Taxus baccata
70 Taxus baccata
DSC 0587
76 Magnolia grandiflora
12 Osmanthus burkwoodii
08 Amelanchier lamarckii
91 Cornus kousa Milky Way
65 Acer palmatum
47 Taxus baccata Rhododendron Cunningham White Pinus parviflora
36 Wide Serre